Senior full stack developer
"All Abdul needs to be happy are games, good friends and even better food!"
Head of support
"Adam is happiest when partaking in role play, in particular Dungeons & Dragons."
Senior commercial ops manager
"Things that make Alex happy include getting outdoors, exploring new places and meeting new people. And dogs. Can't forget dogs. "
Finance Assistant
"Our Alison loves positivity, family and a good work-life balance - so do we Alison, so do we!"
Happiness advisor
"Angela's favourite things are holidays, exercise and spending time with family."
Anna D
Senior happiness adviser
"There are so many things that make Anna happy but the big three are children, plants and animals."
Co-founder and chief customer officer
"Random acts of kindness, warm summer evenings and staying fit makes Chris happy."
Head of Neuroscience
"Clive loves using his wealth of experience to coach and develop others but is happiest spending time with his family."
Content and PR Manager
"Elle is happiest when given plenty of puddings, popular novels and, particularly, perfect grammar."
Technical customer success executive
"Farhana is happiest when adventuring abroad, witnessing human and animal kindness, and getting her first sun of the calendar year every spring. "
Chief of staff
"Nothing makes Gemma happier than beaches in Florida with her family, drinks in the sunset and enjoying the moment."
Technical customer success manager
"Things that make Gisele happy are the sun, her cat Mrs. Chippy and the mountains. "
Digital project manager
"Cheese and wine make Hayley very happy, as well as being with friends and family and bubble baths. "
Customer success manager
"Family, friends and her dog make Ines happy - we should all be more like Inês!"
Head of development
"Things that make Jack happy include good food, time with his family and, ideally, a beach holiday somewhere hot"
Head of partnership success
"Jacqui loves hazelnut lattes (she's not particular about the brand), musical theatre and sport."
Brand manager
"Running, theatre, good weather and hummus make Joe happy!"
Community and events executive
"Kashi loves cats but especially her fluffball (Commodore Fluffy Paws), perfectly ripe strawberries and Ainsley Harriott."
Laura F
Partnerships support manager
"Laura's family is everything to her, she's also happy when outdoors and reading."
Laura P
People partner
"Spending time with people she loves, playing the French horn and peanut butter all make Laura happy."
Technical project manager
"Luc's favourite things in life are his gorgeous dog, Bryn, photography and playing football."
Application support engineer
"Things that make Luke happy include football, cooking and gaming. "
Customer reporting analyst
""Lyle is happiest when out and about, preferably on a long walk or dancing (in the highest heels!)""
Chair of happiness
"Martin loves all things finance, cheese and chocolate, but not necessarily together or in that order. "
Matt P
Co-founder and co-CEO
"Matt is happiest when spending time with loved ones, particularly anything that is outdoors in nature."
Matt S
Chief technical officer
"A passionate Ipswich Town fan, Matt loves nothing more than watching them win at Portman Road with his wife and kids!"
Digital marketing manager
"Time with her family and other animals, as well as music, make Michelle happy. "
Finance manager
"Holidaying in the sun and making memories with friends and family make Noelle happy."
Customer community executive
"Dancing and yoga make Nour happy, as do fun and meaningful conversations"
Customer Success Executive
"Things that make Paige happy include chicken wings, techno music and, of course, West Ham."
Head of partnership growth
"Pat loves nature, is drawn to Snickers bars and has a penchant for 90s nostalgia."
Happiness advisor
"Rajan couldn't be happier than when enjoying sport, nature and family - and his beloved golf allows him to enjoy all three!"
Customer Success Manager
"Food, holidays and being somewhere hot are all things that make Roma happy"
Soph B
Head of Customer Success
"So many things make Sophie happy she can't stick to three - her top five are Yoga, Hygge, Sunrises, Sunsets and walks with her pooch Miggy!"
Website Developer
"Tom is a man of simple interests, gym, dogs and coding keep him happy."
Co-founder & Chief Platform Officer
"Tony is happiest with his family, on a beach or with his team at THI."