

The Last Workplace Taboo – Personal Relationship Stress

A whopping “79% of UK employees state that divorce and relationship breakdown had an impact on their ability to work”, though “57% did not feel they received the required support” from their employers.

– Divorce lawyers, Rayden Solicitors

Join us to understand the impact that personal relationship stress has on employees’ happiness. Matt Phelan is joined by experts from OnePlusOne to learn how employers can open up conversations around personal relationships and offer specialised support to help employees build and maintain healthy relationships.

We discuss:

  • How many people suffer from relationship stress or breakdown in the UK? What are the triggers that can drive relationship stress (e.g. cost of living crisis, becoming a parent, menopause?)

  • The importance of understanding your own stress triggers, and how this can impact your relationship and workplace success

  • What is the impact of relationship stress and breakdown on people’s health and work performance?

  • We’ve seen conversations that were previously considered taboo (menopause, gender identity, mental health, racial inequity) starting to be addressed in the workplace in recent years. But this area is still a taboo topic for many. Why is this?

  • What can employers do to help equip line managers to spot the signs that someone may be facing relationship stress and to reach out to them to offer support?

  • What emotional and practical support can employers offer outside of traditional EAP services to support their people?

  • What does the latest relationship research and our understanding of behaviour change theory tell us about what support works best? Why is early intervention key?

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