Our Data-Led People Strategy

At The Happiness Index we’re dedicated to helping organisations develop a people strategy based on data insights. Today we’re sharing ours!

Why Is Diversity, Equity & Inclusion so Important?

Looking to get buy-in for your DE&I goals? In this blog post we’ll discuss the data and neuroscience that backs investing in a DE&I strategy.

The Parents Promise & Supporting Separating Families in the Workplace

Long-term relationship break ups are one of the most challenging events after bereavement. Find out how you can support separating families in the workplace

Defining Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

DEI is a hot topic for HR teams. What does diversity, equity and inclusion mean and what could it look like in your organisation? Find out in this blog.

How Workplace Mental Health First Aid Training Changed My Life

Here at The Happiness Index we make mental health a priority. How? Read on to find out about our experience with Mental Health First Aid in the workplace.

So, What’s A Quokka Anyway?

Here at The Happiness Index we call our team mates Quokkas. Why? Read on to find out more about the happiest animals on earth and why we love them.

Questions To Ask Yourself Before You Get Started on Action Planning

Do you know how to get the most out of your action planning? This blog post will help you with the questions you should ask to supercharge your strategy.

4 Things We Can Learn From The US Union Wars

What can we learn from the US Union Wars? We share four learnings from the movement to unionise in the USA for all organisations.

What Data Should You Be Looking At?

It's not just about the quantity of data you collect, but also the quality. Read on to find out what data we think you should be collecting and why.

Making The Most of Your Data Using Cross-Theme Analysis

Our Cross-Theme Analysis tool will help you make the most of your happiness and engagement data. Read on to find out it's and how we can help!

Inspirational Women for International Women's Day

We asked our Quokkas which women inspired them both at work and outside. Read on to find out who inspires us to be happier and more engaged.

How Much People Data do You Need Before it’s Accurate?

How much data do I need before my survey will give me accurate information about my organisation? Customer Success Manager, Rosanna Bull discusses.


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Platform screenshot showing neuroscience results