Building An Eco Friendly Workplace & A Better World

At THI we know how important mission & purpose are. So, we’re sharing how we’re building an environmentally friendly workplace. Read on to find out more.

Why Is ESG Important? 5 Reasons You Should Care

More and more people are talking about ESG, but why should you care? Read this blog post to discover the data that supports ESG and how it can help you!

Our Data-Led People Strategy

At The Happiness Index we’re dedicated to helping organisations develop a people strategy based on data insights. Today we’re sharing ours!

So, What’s A Quokka Anyway?

Here at The Happiness Index we call our team mates Quokkas. Why? Read on to find out more about the happiest animals on earth and why we love them.

Questions To Ask Yourself Before You Get Started on Action Planning

Do you know how to get the most out of your action planning? This blog post will help you with the questions you should ask to supercharge your strategy.

Flexible Working Guide – What Should You be Doing?

Guest blogger Jess talks about how to set up your flexible working policy so it works hard for your people and for your organisation. Find out more!

10 Ways to Power up Your Feedback Programme

Feedback programmes are like life, what you put in is what you get out. Find out how to maximise your employee listening with ten useful tips from Pat.

Defining, Measuring & Improving Employee Experience

What is employee experience? And when and how should you be measuring it? Find out this and more on our latest blog.

What is Employee Engagement & Happiness?

Do you know what the difference is between employee engagement and employee happiness? Find out more with The Happiness Index.

The Great Resignation - Attracting & Retaining Talented Employees

The media is all a buzz about the great resignation. Discover how to boost retention and create a bigger talent pool when recruiting.

The Challenges of Modern Leadership: What Does the Future Hold?

Our leaders discuss how other business leaders can respond to the changes that are happening in the world of work, specifically Covid and remote working.

How To Make Workplace Culture Your Scaling Superpower

Are you hoping to make culture the secret ingredient in helping your organisation grow? Our top tips which include measurement and benchmarking.


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