
Employee mental
health survey

By understanding the prevalence of mental health concerns, assessing the impact of workplace factors, and evaluating the effectiveness of existing support programmes, you can make data-driven decisions to promote employee wellbeing and reduce the negative consequences of mental health issues. Use our survey to deep-dive into your people’s mental health to build and maintain a happy, healthy workforce.

“Mental health and stress often feature every month, and one huge takeaway from The Happiness Index has been our constant and growing investment into our team's mental wellbeing.”
Olivia Royce Head of Operations @ Novos


Whilst we are confident in the neuroscientific questions that our mental health survey includes, we understand the need for customisation based on an organisation’s specific needs.

A holistic

Our mental health survey is designed to uncover the underlying challenges which impact your team’s mental wellbeing. The question set dives into people’s environment, relationships, acknowledgement and clarity to help you to design a workspace that supports your team’s individual and collective needs.

the taboo

One of the most insidious things about mental health is that it often goes undiscussed. This is particularly true in the workplace where emotions are seen as out of place. By asking your people about their mental health and how you can support their mental wellbeing, you’re helping to dismantle this harmful paradigm.

£ 5

On average, there is a positive ROI of around £5 for every £1 invested in mental health interventions in the workplace

Why should you use
our employee mental
health survey?

It’s the right thing to do

Supporting your people to be as happy and healthy as they can be is unquestionably the right thing to do. Doing this in a way that actually supports their unique needs and wishes is even better.

Anonymity is guaranteed

This is particularly important for a topic as sensitive as mental health. Our platform is supported by a robust anonymity protocol, allowing your people to share candid feedback, providing you with more accurate data.

Demonstrate social responsibility

Organisations that prioritise employee mental health can demonstrate their commitment to social responsibility and attract top talent, specifically as we know Gen Zs prioritise such things when considering employment options.

Promote a positive work environment

Even before taking action, conducting a survey will show that you care about your people’s mental health, leading to a more positive and supportive work environment.

Gain valuable insights

Our mental health survey can provide valuable insights into the specific mental health needs of your employees, allowing you to tailor your wellbeing and mental health programme accordingly.

Reduce absenteeism and turnover

Mental health issues can lead to increased absenteeism and turnover. By addressing these issues early on, companies can reduce these costs.

£ 45 b

Poor mental wellbeing costs employers in the UK an estimated £42 billion to £45 billion annually through presenteeism, sickness absence and staff turnover

Get (even) more insight with
these complementary surveys


Identify wellbeing problems to build and maintain a happy, healthy workforce. Use employee feedback to take action where needed and ensure everyone’s wellbeing is understood and supported.

Learn more

Employee Voice

An always-on listening tool which provides a safe and anonymous platform that empowers your employees to give feedback on their terms.

Learn more

Recognition Impact

Your benefits and recognition package can play an important part in your team’s wellbeing, gain a deeper understanding of how your team thinks and feels about this important factor.

Learn more

Ready to talk?

Get in touch for a platform tour and a chat with one of our experts to see how we can help you.

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Need convincing?

Use our ROI calculator to discover how much we can improve your business performance.

ROI calculator