Webinar: Building a Thriving Culture in a Remote First World

Building a Thriving Culture in a Remote First World

The global Covid-19 pandemic is testing workplace cultures, HR teams and leaders like never before. As we finished the first 6 months of lockdown we reflected on how organisations can be building culture in remote teams.

Matt Phelan is joined by:

  • Noel McGonigle, HR Director UK, Europe & Middle East at Savills

  • Valerie Mann, People Director at Elder HQ

  • Katie Jacobs, Senior Stakeholder Lead at CIPD

To discuss:

  • What is workplace culture and why is it important

  • How culture is created and sustained and whether this can be done remotely?

  • How have cultures fared through the pandemic and what lessons can we take into the next stage where remote working will remain the norm for many of us?

  • How best to create a culture that encourages creative thought and collaboration.

  • How to avoid a 2 tier culture (remote workers versus those in the workplace).

  • What should the priorities of HR and leadership teams be for the next 6 months and beyond?

How Long Does it Last? 

The session will last 55 minutes.

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