

Culture Change: Rethinking Our Model of Leadership

Watch Our Webinar

The global pandemic has tested leaders like no other event in living memory. Those that are navigating the journey well are actively listening to how their people are feeling, showing empathy and exhibiting a new level of honesty.

So is it time to permanently rethink our model of leadership, and if so how do we change work culture through leadership?

Matt Phelan is joined by:

  • Minter Dial, Author of “You Lead: How Being Yourself Makes You a Better Leader”

  • Niki Fuchs, Managing Director, Office Space in Town

  • Sarah Sinclair, Founder, Change Gap

To discuss:

  • Will the pandemic spell the end for the command and control leadership model, and if so what should replace it?

  • Culture change is the single biggest challenge that our HR community faces but it is notoriously difficult to deliver. What’s your advice to those looking to deliver a culture change programme to ensure that you change not just policies, but hearts, minds and behaviours?

  • Has employee experience become as important in an organisation as customer experience?

  • Our research shows that for employees to thrive, employees need to be both happy and engaged. We call this reconnecting the heart (happiness) and the brain (engagement). Do you have any tips to help leaders do this?

How Long Does It Last?

The session will last 55 minutes.

For further reading why not check out our article about empathetic leadership.


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