

Creating Safe Spaces: Outside The Gender Binary

Watch Our Webinar

Check out this wicked discussion and Q&A session between our own Community and Events Exec, Kashi Chellen and Management Consultant (Credera) and Diversity Lead (Trans In The City) Kim Warren! They discuss how we can all be making a safer and more inclusive space for our trans, non-binary and gender non-conforming colleagues.

Key Themes:

  •  Language to use/avoid, and how it feels to be misgendered in the workplace.

  • What adjustments can be made to ensure your policies and work culture is more inclusive.

  • Gender based and heteronormative stereotypes around job roles and dynamics in the workplace.

  • How to support a colleague who is transitioning and make the workplace a safe environment to do so.

How Long Does it Last?

The session will last 60 minutes.


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