We believe it’s vital that everyone can bring their full selves to work if they choose to. We call this #FreedomToBeHuman. Read our tips for how you can support your neurodivergent employees.
We all know the importance of having a diverse team. Creating a neurodiverse team where everyone feels safe and is able to work productively carries huge benefits for not only your organisation but everyone you employ.
As is often the case, neurodivergence exists on a spectrum. This means that some people will be able to work well with minimal adjustments, and some will need more support and resources. In any case, there’s a good chance that you have neurodivergent individuals working within your organisation.
Here are some helpful dos and don’ts for supporting a neurodiverse team:
Look at the example adjustments listed in our neurodivergent conditions article and see whether you can implement these for all of your staff – you never know who may need some extra support.
Make your recruitment policies as accessible as possible, and always ask if there are extra adjustments you can make for individuals.
Speak openly and honestly about resources and benefits you have in place to support neurodivergent team members.
Give everyone space to talk about support they need both with managers and HR teams but also anonymously as some may feel more comfortable with this.
Remember that everyone can have neurodivergent traits whether they have an official diagnosis or not, so many policies will help everyone.
Try to make everyone conform to standard work practices and processes – allow individuals to have their own approach to getting the job done.
Assume that people with certain diagnoses will behave in particular ways and will need particular support – always speak to the individual about their own experience.
Ask anyone directly to disclose their diagnoses to anyone – if people feel safe and protected they will disclose when they need to.
Worry that hiring a neurodiverse individual will be more work than any other individual – everyone will need more support at certain parts of their employee lifecycle.
Treat neurodivergent individuals differently except in the ways that you have discussed with them as part of their reasonable adjustments.
For more tips and tricks to building a safe and inclusive work environment for everyone, check out our guide to promoting diversity, equity and inclusion. Or you can always read our eBook on creating balance and belonging through DEI.
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