Employee Engagement | William Kahn

Following William's 1990 paper "Psychological conditions of personal engagement and disengagement at work" an entire industry was created called Employee Engagement.

Work Life Balance and Employee Happiness | Tony Latter, Clive Hyland & Laura Page

The Happiness Index internal culture team of HR pro Laura Page, Co-Founder Tony Latter and Head of Neuroscience Clive discuss the impact of work life balance. Listen to some expert thoughts and advice

Work Environment & Employee Happiness | Natasha Wallace

HR expert, entrepreneur and author Natasha Wallace sits down with our host Matt Phelan to discuss how to create a work environment safe from bullying, access issues etc AND that drives employee happiness.

Trust Safety & Employee Happiness | Phil Burgess

HR expert Phil Burgess sits down with Matt Phelan to discuss how Trust and Safety are key drivers of Employee Happiness. Trust is essential for commitment, so listen on for Phil's thoughts

Recognition & Employee Happiness | Simon Berry

Joining Matt to discuss the impact of recognition on employee happiness, Simon is one of the world's most respected and knowledgeable experts in employee recognition and reward.

Feedback & Employee Happiness | Karen Robinson

Karen Joins Matt to discuss the importance of feedback on employee happiness. A senior business leader, mentor and coach with 15 years experience, Karen gives her expert view on how to give and receive feedback.

Listening & Employee Happiness | Margot Slattery

Global Head of DEI at ISS joins Matt to discuss the importance of employees feeling listened to. Not being listened to is a form of sensory deprivation that is emotionally destabilising and can make us feel unsure about who we are and our importance.

Building The UK's Latest Tech Unicorn | Sultan Murad Saidov

Sultan is Co Founder of Beamery, the leading talent lifecycle management platform. The platform allows organisations to create more human experiences and unlock potential of global workforces. Matt finds out more about becoming a tech unicorn.

Soft Landing During Job Cuts | Walter Peterscheck

With layoffs prominent across the globe Walter shares his story of being let go. Walter helps people in similar situations to continue their career and prosper. This episode is designed to help both individual and company in doing this in a supportive way.

The Architecture of Happiness | Dr Tim Lomas

Tim is a Research Affiliate at Harvard University. He joins Matt to discuss his new paper 'The Architecture of Happiness'. Happiness is increasingly prominent in academia, but with little focus on how it's created, especially in a multidimensional sense.

HR, Happiness & Psychology | Dr Hayley Lewis

Featured on HRs Most Influential 2022, Dr Hayley Lewis is a chartered psychologist, coach and lecturer. Listen for Hayley's views on happiness, HR and modern psychology in the world of work.

Mood, Food & Sleep | Laurentia Campbell

Matt and Laura cover a wide range of important topics related to our wellbeing and happiness including health, neuroscience, gut microbiota, nutrition, mental health, alcohol, mood and sleep.




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